The project is focused on several important fields of today's rapidly developing mathematical fluid mechanics. The aim is to derive a series of results, from new regularity criteria, stability and robustness analysis of solutions, up to the low Mach and high Reylolds limits in a compressible fluid interacting with a solid structure. Beside the qualitative analysis of flow problems, a part of the project is the development and analysis of new, accurate and robust numerical methods for the solution of important and topical models of fluid dynamics. The attention will be paid to the development and analysis of high order methods for the solution of nonstationary nonlinear partial differential equations and compressible flow, based on the discontinuous Galerkin method. Particularly we have hp-versions in mind. These methods will be applied to the numerical solution of fluid-structure interaction and multi-phase flow. Another subject is the study of flow model with slip boundary conditions.
Feistauer Miloslav
Kučera Petr Mácha Václav Medková Dagmar |
Nečasová árka Skalák Zdeněk |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Coordinator
Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences